CVTCORP has developed the world’s only viable high power mechanical continuously variable transmissions (mCVT) which is highly efficient, compatible with both electric and internal combustion engines regardless of fuel, thereby increasing system efficiency through reduced energy consumption and carbon emissions. CVT Corp principally addresses the two following markets:

  • Portable Power Equipment is poised for significant disruption as sustainable solutions displace conventional technologies. CVT Corp brings to Mobile Generators and Compressors a unique, reliable, and proven sustainable solution with its mCVT, which reduces fuel consumption and GHG by up to 50%, while maintaining ease of operation and logistic.

  • Off-Highway Equipment electrification is challenged due to cost and performance requirements. CVT Corp brings to Off-Highway Equipment (such as Tractors) a unique solution which enables the use of a single smaller electric motor, and significantly reduces the cost of the driveline, while achieving superior efficiency.

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