All posts by Patricia Dubois

12 août 2015

Stingray dévoile des résultats en forte croissance pour le premier trimestre de 2016

Faits saillants :

  • Les produits ont augmenté de 27,3 % pour atteindre un niveau record de 19,9 millions de dollars.
  • Les produits récurrents ont atteint un sommet de 17,2 millions de dollars, soit une hausse de 20,0 %.
  • Le BAIIA ajusté a progressé de 22,8 %, pour atteindre 7,2 millions de dollars.
  • Le bénéfice net ajusté a atteint 4,8 millions de dollars, ou 0,12 $ par action (dilué), en hausse de 33,2 % par rapport à l’exercice précédent.
  • Les flux de trésorerie disponibles ajustés ont atteint un sommet de 5,3 millions de dollars, soit une hausse de 60,4 %.
  • La société a réalisé l’acquisition stratégique de Brava NL, Brava HD et DJAZZ TV.

Le Groupe Stingray Digital Inc. (TSX : RAY.A; RAY.B) (« Stingray » ou la « société »), chef de file des services musicaux multiplateformes interentreprises et des solutions multimédias en magasin, dévoilait aujourd’hui ses résultats financiers pour le premier trimestre clos le 30 juin 2015.

« Nous sommes très satisfaits de nos résultats du premier trimestre, marqués par une hausse des produits et du BAIIA ajusté de l’ordre de 27,3 % et de 22,8 %, respectivement. Il s’agit des premiers résultats que nous publions depuis notre entrée en bourse; clairement, nous avons démarré le nouvel exercice en force. Nos acquisitions, notre expansion sur le marché international et le lancement de nouveaux produits nous ont permis de fracasser des records au chapitre des produits, du BAIIA ajusté et des flux de trésorerie disponibles ajustés », a déclaré Eric Boyko, président, chef de la direction et cofondateur de Stingray.

« Le produit du PAPE nous a permis de réduire considérablement notre endettement. Ce poids en moins, conjugué à une nouvelle facilité de crédit renouvelable de 100 millions de dollars, nous met en excellente posture financière pour poursuivre notre stratégie d’acquisitions. D’ailleurs, nous avons récemment conclu l’acquisition de Brava NL BV, Brava HDTV BV et Djazz TV BV, trois distributeurs de chaînes thématiques offrant du contenu musical et culturel haut de gamme à quelque 35 millions d’abonnés dans 50 pays d’Europe, d’Afrique, du Moyen-Orient et des Caraïbes.

« À l’avenir, nous continuerons à miser sur les trois grands vecteurs de croissance qui ont fait le succès de Stingray : les acquisitions stratégiques, la diversification de notre catalogue de produits et les ventes incitatives à nos clients existants. Nous restons convaincus de pouvoir solidifier notre position de premier fournisseur interentreprises de produits et de services musicaux de qualité », a conclu M. Boyko.

Résultats du premier trimestre

La société a généré des produits record de 19,9 millions de dollars au premier trimestre de 2016, une hausse de 27,3 % par rapport à 15,6 millions de dollars l’an dernier. Cette hausse est principalement attribuable aux acquisitions, à la forte croissance sur les marchés internationaux et au lancement de nouveaux produits.

Les produits tirés de la diffusion musicale ont progressé de 13,3 % pour atteindre 14,1 millions de dollars, principalement en raison de contrats conclus avec de nouveaux clients, comme AT&T, et de l’acquisition de Telefonica On The Spot et d’Archibald Media Group. Les produits générés par la musique pour entreprises ont quant à eux augmenté de 82,2 %, pour s’établir à 5,8 millions de dollars, principalement grâce à l’acquisition de DMX Canada et de la société Les réseaux urbains Viva inc.

Le BAIIA ajusté s’est élevé à 7,2 millions de dollars ou 35,9 % des produits au premier trimestre de 2016, contre 5,8 millions de dollars ou 37,3 % des produits l’an passé. Cette hausse est principalement attribuable aux acquisitions de l’exercice 2015, à la croissance sur les marchés internationaux et à l’augmentation des produits non récurrents tirés des services d’installation et de la vente de matériel.

Au premier trimestre, la société a enregistré une perte nette de 1,8 million de dollars, ou (0,05) $ par action (dilué), comparativement à un bénéfice net de 1,0 million de dollars, ou (0,03) $ par action (dilué), pour la même période en 2014. Cette perte est principalement attribuable aux dépenses ponctuelles liées au PAPE et à l’obligation au titre des avantages tangibles exigés par le CRTC ainsi qu’aux conséquences fiscales connexes.

Le bénéfice net ajusté a progressé de 33,2 % pour atteindre 4,8 millions de dollars, ou 0,12 $ par action (dilué), contre 3,6 millions de dollars, ou 0,10 $ par action (dilué), un an plus tôt. Cette hausse est principalement attribuable à l’intégration fructueuse des acquisitions de l’exercice 2015, combinée à la signature de nouveaux contrats sur le marché international, aux ventes supplémentaires de services d’installation et de matériel ainsi qu’à la diminution des charges financières.

Les flux de trésorerie provenant des activités d’exploitation se sont élevés à 4,1 millions de dollars au premier trimestre de 2016, contre 2,7 millions de dollars l’an passé. Les flux de trésorerie disponibles ajustés pour le trimestre clos le 30 juin 2015 ont atteint 5,3 millions de dollars, une hausse de 60,4 % par rapport à 3,3 millions de dollars pour la même période de l’exercice précédent.

Au 30 juin 2015, la société disposait de 1,0 million de dollars en trésorerie et en équivalents de trésorerie ainsi que d’une facilité de crédit renouvelable de 100,0 millions de dollars, dont une portion de 92,6 millions de dollars restait inutilisée, ce qui lui donne les moyens de poursuivre ses acquisitions stratégiques et d’atteindre ses cibles de croissance.

Après la fin du trimestre

Le 23 juillet 2015, la société annonçait qu’elle avait accepté de faire l’acquisition de la totalité des actions émises et en circulation du capital social de Brava NL BV, Brava HDTV BV et Djazz TV BV, les distributeurs établis à Amsterdam de trois chaînes thématiques à succès offrant du contenu musical et culturel haut de gamme disponible à quelque 35 millions d’abonnés dans 50 pays d’Europe, d’Afrique, du Moyen-Orient et des Caraïbes. L’entente a été conclue le 31 juillet 2015.

La transaction, entièrement réglée en espèces, prévoit un paiement initial d’environ 8 millions de dollars (6,1 millions d’euros), assorti d’une clause d’indexation sur les bénéfices futurs et de paiements d’étape basés sur le rendement totalisant 3 millions de dollars (2,2 millions d’euros). En vertu de l’entente, Stingray deviendra le propriétaire exploitant exclusif des chaînes Brava NL, Brava HD et DJAZZ TV.

On prévoit que ces trois acquisitions stratégiques contribueront positivement aux produits de Stingray dès la première année et permettront à la société d’accélérer son expansion sur le marché international et de diversifier son portefeuille de produits déjà bien garni.

Autres faits saillants des activités

Au cours du trimestre clos le 30 juin 2015, Stingray a renouvelé d’importants contrats à long terme avec TELUS, Sobeys et Cogeco, entre autres. Le trimestre a aussi été marqué par le lancement de Stingray Concerts en Amérique latine, sa première chaîne linéaire dédiée aux concerts, ainsi que par le déploiement international de Stingray Mobile dans plus de neuf langues et par le lancement du service de diffusion en continu Stingray Musique sur le système haute-fidélité sans fil Sonos.

À propos de Stingray

Stingray (TSX: RAY.A; RAY.B) est un important fournisseur de services musicaux multiplateformes et de solutions multimédias en magasin interentreprises qui exerce des activités à l’échelle mondiale. Elle rejoint environ 135 millions d’abonnés de la télévision payante (ou ménages) dans 127 pays. S’adressant aux personnes comme aux entreprises, les produits de Stingray comprennent les services de musique et de vidéos numériques Stingray Musique, Stingray Concerts, Stingray Brava, Stingray Djazz, Stingray Vidéoclips, Stingray Lite TV, Stingray Ambiance et Stingray Karaoke. Stingray propose également diverses solutions d’affaires, dont les produits musicaux et d’affichage numérique offerts par l’entremise de sa division Stingray Affaires. Stingray a son siège social à Montréal et compte présentement plus de 235 employés dans le monde, y compris à Toronto. Miami, à Londres, à Amsterdam et à Tel-Aviv. Stingray a été finaliste au palmarès Technologie Fast 50MC de Deloitte en 2013 et 2014, et a été nommée parmi les entreprises canadiennes connaissant la croissance la plus rapide par le magazine PROFIT. Pour en savoir davantage, visitez

Pour plus de détails, cliquez ici.

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Mathieu Peloquin
Vice-président principal, Marketing et communications
514 664-1244, poste 2362

5 août 2015

GolfNow increases conversion and retention with iPerceptions

iPerceptions, the leader in digital customer research and recognition, today unveiled research  that indicates GolfNow, managed by Golf Channel, has been able to better understand the mobile experience, reduce barriers to the checkout process and measure the satisfaction and effectiveness of its GolfNow Rewards program by leveraging iPerceptions Active Research™ SaaS platform. Utilizing the iPerceptions platform by engaging with website visitors to understand their intentions, needs and potential frustrations, GolfNow is improving the golfer experience.

“Customer loyalty and retention is highly dependent on the visitor experience,” said Rebecca Marquardt, Director of Customer Experience at GolfNow. “Our partnership with iPerceptions has allowed us to measure and better understand the golfer, helping us learn what motivating factors are involved with booking a tee time and how the booking experience varies by device. The insights provided by iPerceptions helps us enhance the golfer experience to increase conversion and visitor retention.”

iPerceptions technology engages golfers on the GolfNow website by asking them on arrival to leave feedback at the end of their visit. As a result, GolfNow has been able to track the awareness and satisfaction of the GolfNow rewards program and get key insights into how to better tailor the program to customer needs. With in-depth analysis of the results by iPerceptions insight experts, GolfNow has been able to understand the key barriers to booking a tee time and receive recommendations on how to improve the process.

« Only by focusing on the customer experience and becoming customer-centric can you differentiate yourself in today’s competitive marketplace,” said Eric Fluet, Chief Commercial Officer at iPerceptions. “Our long standing partnership with GolfNow demonstrates the high importance the customer plays within their organization and their commitment to offering a superior customer experience.”

About iPerceptions

iPerceptions is a leading digital customer research company that extends the value of Voice of the Customer beyond measuring the past, to recognizing visitors intentions in real-time for personalized experiences. The company’s solutions are powered by the Active Research™ SaaS Platform, which captures visitors’ intent, needs, and experiences in the moment of truth using advanced engagement technologies. iPerceptions is revolutionizing market research with Active Recognition which recognizes the intent of anonymous website visitors in real-time to provide personalized experiences. With over 100M voice of customer datapoints collected every year across 1,200 brands and in 35 languages in over 80 countries, iPerceptions is the trusted research solution of customer centric organizations.

About GolfNow

Founded in 2001, GolfNow is a technology company specializing in golf-related products and services with the most powerful distribution platform in golf, offering more than 2 million registered golfers more ways to stay connected to their favorite courses and the ability to easily book tee times online and via mobile devices. GolfNow also provides technology, support and marketing services to more than 9,000 golf courses around the world, and is part of the suite of digital businesses managed by Golf Channel, which is seen in more than 200 million homes worldwide. For more information, go to

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Jonathan Fraser
Marketing and Communications Manager
Tel: 514-488-3600 ext. 232

30 juillet 2015

OnMobile launches high definition audio Ringback Tone service on a 4G wireless network in Spain

OnMobile Global Limited (NSE: OnMobile) announced the launch of High-Definition (HD) Ringback Tones for 4G Voice (Voice over LTE) customers and a new application called Identity for Vodafone Spain.

OnMobile has helped Vodafone Spain leverage Ringback Tones to increase the awareness and adoption rate of Voice over LTE (VoLTE). Committed towards providing improved quality in both voice and calling experience, OnMobile has encoded High-Definition Ringback Tones in AMR – WB (Adaptive Multi Rate – Wide Band) format. The OnMobile solution enables Vodafone’s Voice over LTE (VoLTE) service users to experience high audio quality, thereby improving consumer experience and stickiness.

OnMobile’s Identity application provides the user with an attractive design and excellent user experience. With its unique features, Identity offers Vodafone Spain customers the possibility to personalize their Ringback Tones through a smartphone interface that allows easy identification of each audio track, plus an option to preview it before selection. Offered under a flat rate model, this application provides users the freedom to change songs assigned to their contacts as frequently as they wish, and the ability to choose their favorite music from an extensive catalog. In addition, users can customize their expression of identity by creating playlists with multiple songs.

“The deployment of our service on 4G Voice (Voice over LTE) is a significant milestone for OnMobile as we are now able to offer customers their favorite music in high-definition audio. The launch of Ringback Tones in High-Definition, coupled with the Identity app, reinforces the global appeal of this service. The 8 – 10 second interval that a user takes to answer a call is a shared communication space that can be customized in many ways,” said Mr. Sanjay Bhambri, Chief Commercial Officer, OnMobile.

Building on the successful “Press * to copy” feature pioneered by OnMobile on the traditional voice channel, Identity has a “Press * to favor” which allows mobile subscribers to add their favorite tracks with one simple click. It introduces cutting-edge technical capabilities including near real-time notifications and an enhanced call log that showcases the complete history of songs played. High-Definition Ringback Tones in 4G voice provides an additional medium for Vodafone Spain to improve adoption rates and user experience.

About OnMobile

OnMobile [NSE India: ONMOBILE], headquartered in Bangalore, India, and with offices in all regions of the world, delivers millions of music plays daily to mobile customers worldwide. Based on current deployments, OnMobile has the potential to reach more than 1.1 billion mobile users across several geographies. For further information, please visit

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Srividhya Parthasarathy


30 juillet 2015

OnMobile reports First Quarter Fiscal 2016 results

OnMobile Global Limited (“OnMobile”) today announced the results for First Quarter FY2016 ended June 30, 2015. Revenue improved by 1.5% y-o-y from Rs.1,988 Mn in Q1 FY’15 to Rs.2,018 Mn in Q1 FY’16. Last year’s revenue included revenue from Voxmobili amounting to Rs.151 Mn. Normalized for this the revenue in Q1 FY’16 grew by 9.9% y-o-y and declined by 5.7% q-o-q. EBITDA grew by 124% y-o-y from Rs.156 Mn in Q1 FY’15 to Rs.351 Mn in Q1 FY’16. OnMobile continues to generate healthy cash, quarter on quarter. In Q1 we increased our cash by Rs.228 Mn.

Mr. Rajiv Pancholy, CEO & MD, OnMobile Global, said: “In the fourth quarter of last year, we had to contend with the adverse impact of foreign currency fluctuations, many of which remained in force during the first quarter of this year. I am pleased to report that we have significantly improved our quarter over quarter EBITDA performance despite these pressures. More significantly, our business continues to grow in key markets, with new customer wins, and an increase in the number of paying subscribers.”

“We have started spending on the new initiatives but very judiciously. We will continue to keep a track on the margin structure despite the new investments. This balanced approach is necessary for both the short term and the long term financial performance of OnMobile,” said Mr. Praveen Kumar, CFO, OnMobile Global.

Q1 FY2016 Business highlights: 

International business (78% of total revenues):

  • International revenue grew by 3.3% y-o-y and declined 2.9% q-o-q.

Developed markets:

  • Europe recorded a revenue growth of 63.1% y-o-y and 3.2% q-o-q.
  • We launched our High-Definition (HD) Identity RBT service for 4G Voice (Voice over LTE) customers of Vodafone Spain. OnMobile now has the new service in two major operators in Spain.

Other emerging markets:

  • Revenues grew by 7.3% y-o-y and down 1.6% q-o-q to Rs. 349Mn.
  • Deployed our industry leading RBT service in Malaysia. This marks the entry of our RBT service in that country.
  • Crossed a significant threshold of 3 Mn subscribers and a penetration of 11.5% for our Ring Back Tone services with one of the large operators in Bangladesh.
  • RBT service launched in MTN Swaziland taking our number of MTN deployments to 8 Countries.

Latin America:

  • OnMobile secured multi-year Ringback Tones partnership renewal with Movistar in Latin America where we will continue to power Movistar’s flagship Ringback Tone (RBT) service to 132 million plus subscribers across 13 countries in Latin America for the next four years.
  • Unlike in the past, this contract renewal was secured without any upfront fee. We firmly believe that not paying an upfront fee and accepting a lower revenue share is a better financial model for OnMobile. As a consequence of this approach, FY16 will conclude the amortization cost relating to the upfront fee and the Depreciation cost in FY17 will be lower by around Rs. 720 Mn.
  • Revenue down by 9.7% q-o-q (8.6% in constant currency) and 21.7% (13% in constant currency) y-o-y respectively.

Domestic business (22 % of total revenue):

  • India revenue was Rs. 444 Mn in Q1 FY’16, a reduction of 14.4 % q-o-q and 4.1% y-o-y. Q1 revenue was sequentially lower due to higher than expected revenues from certain verticals in Q4 and because of routine market fluctuations. The underlying business in India continues to be healthy as evidenced by growth in subscriber base.

Q1 FY2016 Financial performance:

  1. Revenue improved by 1.5% y-o-y from Rs.1,988 Mn in Q1 FY’15 to Rs.2,018 Mn in Q1 FY’16. Last years revenue included revenue from Voxmobili amounting to Rs.151 Mn. Normalized for this the revenue in Q1 FY’16 grew by 9.9% y-o-y and declined by 5.7% q-o-q.
  2. Headcount optimization during the last financial year and quarter resulted in a reduction of manpower cost by 32.0% y-o-y and 2.0% q-o-q despite annual increments in Q1 FY16. Our employee base at the end of June’15 was 1,075.
  3. EBITDA grew by 124% y-o-y from Rs.156 Mn in Q1 FY’15 to Rs.351 Mn in Q1 FY’16. This growth is inclusive of new expenditure to support the development of new products and brand which is approximately 2% of EBITDA margin.
  4. Other income includes foreign currency gain of Rs.53 Mn as some of the currencies which led to a loss in Q4, retreated from their Q4 lows in Q1.
  5. Notwithstanding fluctuations in foreign currency and business climate, OnMobile continues to generate healthy cash, quarter on quarter. In Q1 we increased our cash by Rs.228 Mn.

Change in Board Composition:

Appointed Mr. Nechal Sandhu and Mr. Pascal Tremblay as Independent non-executive additional directors on the Board of the Company with effect from 1st August, 2015.

Nehchal Sandhu is a security professional with over 40 years of experience in a variety of roles. In his most recent role as Deputy National Security Adviser of India, he contributed towards briefings of the highest levels of Government, led efforts towards instituting a national cyber security framework and built international relationships towards ensuring a more robust response to international terrorism and curbing terror financing, cross border drug flows, and money laundering. He contributed in large measure to the formulation of India’s approach to Internet governance. He holds Honors degree at the Bachelor’s level in Chemistry from St Stephen’s College, Delhi University.

Pascal Tremblay is currently President, Managing Partner of Novacap. He holds a Bachelor degree in Business Administration from the University of Sherbrooke and an MBA from McGill University. He has been involved in funding, managing and developing technology companies for over 18 years.

Mr. Harit Nagpal, Mr. Naresh Malhotra and Mr. Bruno Ducharme expressed their desire to be relieved from their directorships for personal reasons and the Board accepted the same effective 30th July, 2015.

About OnMobile

OnMobile [NSE India: ONMOBILE], headquartered in Bangalore, India, and with offices in all regions of the world, delivers millions of music plays daily to mobile customers worldwide. Based on current deployments, OnMobile has the potential to reach more than 1.1 billion mobile users across several geographies. For further information, please visit

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Srividhya Parthasarathy


23 juillet 2015

Stingray s’engage à faire l’acquisition des chaînes musicales télévisuelles Brava NL, Brava HD et pour étendre son réseau international de distribution

Le groupe Stingray Digital Inc. (TSX : RAY.A; RAY.B), chef de file des services musicaux multiplateformes et des solutions multimédias en magasin, a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’il acceptait de faire l’acquisition de l’ensemble des actions émises et en circulation du capital social de Brava NL BV, Brava HDTV BV et Djazz TV BV, trois chaînes télévisuelles thématiques célébrées offrant un contenu musical et culturel haut de gamme à un public de quelque 35 millions d’abonnées provenant de 50 pays d’Europe, d’Afrique, du Moyen-Orient et des Caraïbes. La transaction demeure assujettie aux conditions de clôture habituelles, et devrait être conclue au cours des prochaines semaines.

L’opération, qui se fera entièrement en espèces, comprend un paiement initial d’environ huit millions de dollars, associé à une clause d’indexation sur les bénéfices futurs et à des paiements d’étape basés sur la performance d’une valeur totale de trois millions de dollars. En vertu des modalités de l’entente, Stingray deviendra le propriétaire et exploitant exclusif des chaînes Brava NL, Brava HD et

On prévoit que ces trois acquisitions stratégiques seront rentables dès la première année, et qu’elles permettront d’accroître la présence de Stingray sur le marché international, tout en diversifiant le portefeuille de produits déjà bien garni de la société.

« Ces acquisitions marquent une percée importante dans le cadre de notre stratégie globale de croissance, et nous permettent de poursuivre notre expansion en territoire européen amorcée avec l’acquisition réussie des groupes Music Choice International et Archibald Media Group », affirme Eric Boyko, président, chef de la direction et cofondateur de Stingray. « Stingray est toujours à l’affût de nouvelles occasions d’élargir sa présence internationale et de diversifier son catalogue de produits florissant. Nous tirerons profit de l’acquisition de ces trois chaînes télévisuelles pour consolider nos relations professionnelles avec les opérateurs et les abonnés de la télévision payante à l’échelle mondiale, et asseoir notre position de premier fournisseur interentreprises de produits et de services musicaux de qualité. »

Robert Rutten et Rob Overman, respectivement directeur de l’exploitation et directeur de la création du groupe Brava, se joindront à l’équipe de Stingray et continueront de gérer et de promouvoir la distribution des trois chaînes. « L’importante capacité de distribution de Stingray à l’échelle mondiale nous permettra d’atteindre notre objectif d’offrir de la musique classique et du jazz de qualité aux mélomanes et aux abonnés du monde entier », a affirmé Rob Overman.

Reconnu pour son engagement à offrir une programmation culturelle supérieure, le groupe néerlandais Brava se spécialise dans la création de chaînes télévisuelles destinées à un public international des plus exigeants.

Détails des chaînes

Brava NL et Brava HD

Brava est la seule chaîne de télévision au monde entièrement dédiée à l’opéra, au ballet et à la musique classique. Brava a été la première chaîne culturelle en Europe à diffuser son contenu en haute définition avec audio Dolby Digital. Pour de plus amples renseignements, visitez le site est la seule chaîne de télévision au monde entièrement dédiée au jazz et aux styles de musique similaires. La programmation de la chaîne rassemble des prestations en direct de musique jazz, funk, reggae, soul, gospel, blues et de musique du monde, de même que des portraits, des films de fiction et des documentaires. Pour de plus amples renseignements, visitez le site

Les trois chaînes parentes présentent un contenu exempt de publicité, d’animation ou de toute autre forme d’interruption.

À propos de Stingray

Stingray est un important fournisseur de services musicaux multiplateformes et de solutions multimédias en magasin interentreprises qui exerce des activités à l’échelle mondiale. Elle rejoint environ 110 millions d’abonnés de la télévision payante (ou ménages) dans 111 pays. S’adressant aux personnes comme aux entreprises, les produits de Stingray comprennent les services de musique et de vidéos numériques Stingray Musique, Stingray Concerts, Stingray Vidéoclips, Stingray Lite TV, Stingray Ambiance et Stingray Karaoke. Stingray propose également diverses solutions d’affaires, dont les produits musicaux et d’affichage numérique offerts par l’entremise de sa division Stingray Affaires. Stingray a son siège social à Montréal et compte présentement plus de 235 employés dans le monde, y compris à Miami, à Londres, à Amsterdam, Toronto et à Tel-Aviv. Stingray a été finaliste au palmarès Technologie Fast 50MC de Deloitte en 2013 et 2014, et a été nommée parmi les entreprises canadiennes connaissant la croissance la plus rapide par le magazine PROFIT. Pour en savoir davantage, visitez

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Information :
Mathieu Peloquin
Vice-président principal, Marketing et communications
514 664-1244, poste 2362

8 juillet 2015

OnMobile launches digital music store with Grameenphone

OnMobile Global Limited (OnMobile), a leading provider of mobile music offerings, launched an avant-garde digital music store for Grameenphone, a leading telecom operator in Bangladesh. Grameenphone Music which will be available on the Web and as an Application will reach out to more than 50 million subscribers in Bangladesh.

Grameenphone Music encourages music lovers to download their favorite tracks through the GP Music site or the Android application available on the Google Playstore. OnMobile has powered the technology for Grameenphone Music by seamlessly integrating state-of-the-art CMS, billing technology and superior content rights management. With a simple yet interactive user experience, affordable pricing and a host of exclusive releases by popular artistes, GP Music will encourage music lovers to opt for paid original music tracks.

GP Music is expected to transform the music industry in Bangladesh having already established exclusive tie-ups with 15 artistes in Bangladesh. It is also seamlessly integrated with OnMobile’s cRBT Platform and will offer music lovers a highly personalized experience allowing them to set favorite tracks as their Welcome Tunes.

“We are very excited about partnering with Grameenphone to launch GP Music. Offering favorite music tracks in a stunningly simple and easily accessible manner, GP Music will be a successful combination of top-notch technology and popular music,” stated Sanjay Bhambri, OnMobile’s Chief Commercial Officer. “As the product evolves, we are confident that its appeal will be enhanced making it a fun and cool way to listen to favorite music tracks.”

“GP Music is an endeavor to empower Bangladeshi music and talent, simultaneously curbing piracy,” said Yasir Azman, Chief Marketing Officer, Grameenphone. “OnMobile has been a valued partner for Grameenphone since 2008. We expect the launch of GP Music to promote legalized distribution of digital music in Bangladesh. This is in line with our vision of providing much needed recognition to struggling artistes and reviving the music industry in the country.”

OnMobile’s successful track record in launching RBT and Music products with Grameenphone were crucial in forging this partnership. The launch of GP Music further reinforces OnMobile’s global leadership position in mobile music offerings.

About OnMobile

OnMobile [NSE India: ONMOBILE], headquartered in Bangalore, India, and with offices in all regions of the world, delivers millions of music plays daily to mobile customers worldwide. Based on current deployments, OnMobile has the potential to reach more than 1.1 billion mobile users across several geographies. For further information, please visit

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Srividhya Parthasarathy


6 juillet 2015

Stingray va lancer une application de lecture en continu

1 juillet 2015

Forbes: The Internet Versus The Great California Drought


30 juin 2015

Coveo named finalist in 2015 “Stevie” American Business Awards for its cloud intelligent search as a service

Coveo today announced that it was named a finalist in the annual Stevie American Business Awards in the category of New Product or Service of the Year – Content – Search Technology Solution. Coveo was selected as a finalist from a field of more than 3,300 nominations from organizations of all sizes and industries.

The Coveo Cloud platform is an intelligent search platform that delivers unified search as an enterprise-class service. Coveo Cloud enables organizations to easily and securely unify data from disparate sources across the IT ecosystem, create ubiquitous search experiences wherever people work and recommend the most relevant insight from everywhere directly into the context of customers and employees.

“We’re honored that our intelligent search platform is being recognized,” says Diane Berry, SVP of Market Strategy at Coveo. “As companies transform into digital workplaces, this technology unifies and personalizes information from across the IT ecosystem of record and presents only what matters into the context of each person, effectively helping them upskill as they work.”

Over the past four years, Coveo has been the recipient of five Stevie awards, having previously won Best New Product or Service of the Year awards, Most Innovative Technology Company and a Valued Partnership Award. The American Business Awards are the nation’s premier business awards program. All organizations operating in the U.S.A. are eligible to submit nominations – public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small.

About Coveo

Coveo is on a mission to transform business by improving people’s skills, knowledge, and proficiency with intelligent search. Coveo Search Apps unleash the power of fragmented, disparate information from across the enterprise IT ecosystem, to surface what matters at every point-of-work.  Recognized as the Most Visionary Leader in Enterprise Search by Gartner, Coveo enterprise search allows companies to create high performance contact centers, cultivate company-wide collaboration, and succeed at self-service. With the search industry’s highest security standards, broadest connectivity and greatest relevance control and configurability, Coveo removes complexity to make search work, quickly and effectively, with the only end-to-end intelligent search platform in the cloud. Coveo partners with some of the world’s largest enterprise technology ecosystems, such as Salesforce, where contextual insights from outside the platform are critical to delivering a unified experience for their customers. For more information, please visit, and follow us on the Coveo blog, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

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Colin Beasty
Manager, Media Relations
418-263-1111 x2264


29 juin 2015

Stingray confirmed as music service provider for Telefonica’s Vivo TV and Movistar TV Platforms in Latin America

Stingray, a leading business-to-business multi-platform music provider, announced an agreement that will provide Stingray Music content in Latin America through the TV services of Telefonica, one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies.

Under the terms of the agreement, susbcribers of Vivo TV in Brazil and of Movistar TV in Chile, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela will enjoy 50 of Stingray Music’s expertly programmed audio channels. In addition, Movistar TV subscribers will be able to tune in to Stingray Concerts, a new television channel designed especially for live music fans.

“This agreement represents an important step in the expansion of our brand presence in the growing Latin American market,” said Gustavo Tonelli, General Manager of Stingray Latin America. “It confirms Stingray’s position as a trusted partner for TV providers seeking to complement their offering with the region’s best music content.”

Vivo TV and Movistar TV subscribers will have access to audio channels in a wide variety of music genres, ranging from traditional jazz and classic rock to Latin pop, alternative urban and world music. Stingray Music is renowned worldwide for the quality of its music programming and the attention given to local tastes and trends.

Movistar TV subscribers in Chile, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela will also enjoy Stingray Concerts, a television channel dedicated to live music that showcases concerts, news, music videos, backstage footage and behind-the-scenes interviews. Stingray Concerts brings viewers closer than ever before to their favorite bands and artists.

The launch of Stingray Music and Stingray Concerts on Telefonica’s TV platforms in Latin America is just one of Stingray’s recent initiatives to consolidate its position as the only company offering Pay-TV providers in Latin America a wide range of professionally programmed music content in all genres, on all platforms, and under a single brand: Stingray.

The company also recently introduced a new visual image, logo, and slogan: “All Good Vibes,” offering subscribers a simple, accessible and user-friendly experience of Stingray’s extensive product portfolio.

About Stingray

Stingray (TSX: RAY.A) is a leading business-to-business multi-platform music and in-store media solutions provider operating on a global scale, reaching an estimated 110 million Pay-TV subscribers (or households) in 111 countries. Geared towards individuals and businesses alike, Stingray’s products include the following leading digital music and video services: Stingray Music, Stingray Concerts, Stingray Music Videos, Stingray Lite TV, Stingray Ambiance and Stingray Karaoke. Stingray also offers various business solutions, including music and digital display-based solutions through its Stingray Business division. Stingray is headquartered in Montreal and currently has over 235 employees across the world, including in Miami, London, Amsterdam and Tel Aviv. Stingray was recognized in 2013 and 2014 as a finalist in the Top 50 of Deloitte’s Technology Fast 50TM list, and figures amongst PROFIT magazine’s fastest-growing Canadian companies. For more information, please visit

About Telefónica

Telefónica is one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world in terms of market capitalization and number of clients.  Backed by the top fixed, mobile and broadband networks and an innovative offering of digital services, the company is transforming into a “Digital Telecom,” enabling it to satisfy its client’s needs and capture new revenue growth.

Present in 21 countries and with a customer base that amounts to 319 million accesses, Telefónica has a strong presence in Spain, Europe and Latin America, where the company focuses an important part of its growth strategy.

Telefónica is a 100% private company with more than 1.5 million direct shareholders.  Its share capital currently comprises 4,938,417,514 ordinary shares traded on the Spanish Stock Market and in London, New York, Lima and Buenos Aires.

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Mathieu Peloquin
Senior Vice President for Marketing and Communications
514-664-1244, ext. 2362

24 juin 2015

Coveo expands executive team to support rapid growth

Coveo today announced the appointment of two new executives to lead the company’s global sales organization and customer success team. Bob Walmsley has joined Coveo as SVP of Global Sales and Jennifer MacIntosh as VP of Customer Success. Walmsley and MacIntosh will facilitate and support Coveo’s continued growth and value realization for Coveo’s customers as the company expands its cloud-based enterprise search offerings.

“I am very happy to welcome Bob and Jennifer to our executive team. Each brings a deep blend of experience and leadership in their respective areas and will be instrumental to our operations as we continue to scale Coveo,” said Louis Tetu, chairman and CEO.  “Our rapid growth over the past several quarters shows that demand for our intelligent search apps continues to grow, and Bob and Jennifer are important appointments to help guide that growth.”

Coveo reported approximately 70 percent overall growth for both Q4 2014 and Q1 2015. The company reports it is on track to achieve more than 80 percent growth overall in CY Q2 2015 and to continue its viral growth in subscription revenue bookings.

As SVP of Global Sales, Bob Walmsley is responsible for the overall strategy, execution and operations of Coveo’s global sales organization. He has a track record of driving growth for cloud software companies via his frontline leadership, enablement and direct sales experience. Prior to Coveo, Walmsley served as an executive with DocuSign, where he led high-growth teams in their Enterprise, Mid-Market and Government sales segments. Prior to DocuSign, Walmsley built top performing cloud sales organizations at companies such as Oracle, Taleo and Peopleclick.

“It’s an absolute pleasure to join the Coveo team and an opportunity to lead sales of an innovative software company that’s redefining how people work and upskill with information in the digital workplace,” said Walmsley. “I look forward to helping to manage Coveo’s viral growth with our world class sales organization.”

In her new role as VP of Customer Success, Jennifer MacIntosh leads customer engagement, viral adoption and customer value generation across Coveo’s enterprise search solutions and apps with a focus on changing how people work with information and knowledge. As a certified KCS Practitioner who has been helping companies adopt Knowledge Centered Support (KCS) best practices for over 12 years, MacIntosh will lead KCS knowledge at Coveo in addition to assisting Coveo customers with their KCS programs. Prior to joining Coveo, Jennifer was founder and principal of OKAS Consulting, a global consulting practice and former Coveo partner. Jennifer has also held executive roles as a change agent significantly improving the customer experience at Yahoo!, Quest Software (Dell) and Cognos (IBM).

“Having a passion for building exceptional experiences for customers, especially self-service, I saw Coveo as a great fit personally and professionally.  I’m excited to join Coveo at this exciting time and look forward to scaling the organization as we continue to help Coveo customers realize the value of injecting relevant content from across their ecosystems into the context of employees, customers and partners at every point of work,” said MacIntosh.

About Coveo

Coveo is on a mission to transform business by improving people’s skills, knowledge, and proficiency with intelligent search. Coveo Search Apps unleash the power of fragmented, disparate information from across the enterprise IT ecosystem, to surface what matters at every point-of-work.  Recognized as the Most Visionary Leader in Enterprise Search by Gartner, Coveo enterprise search allows companies to create high performance contact centers, cultivate company-wide collaboration, and succeed at self-service. With the search industry’s highest security standards, broadest connectivity and greatest relevance control and configurability, Coveo removes complexity to make search work, quickly and effectively, with the only end-to-end intelligent search platform in the cloud. Coveo partners with some of the world’s largest enterprise technology ecosystems, such as Salesforce, where contextual insights from outside the platform are critical to delivering a unified experience for their customers. For more information, please visit, and follow us on the Coveo blog, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

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Colin Beasty
Manager, Media Relations
418-263-1111 x2264


23 juin 2015

iPerceptions launches the first website Optimization Solution that recognizes when to solicit visitors

iPerceptions, the leader in digital customer research and recognition, today released iPerceptions Experience Optimization Solution which provides the insights that optimization and usability teams need to improve the customer experience. By engaging with visitors that are likely to have extreme positive and negative experiences, brands collect insights on what is working and highlight areas for improvement from a site optimization perspective.

Recognize visitors that are likely to have strong opinions

Powered by iPerceptions patent pending Active Recognition Technology, the Experience Optimization Solution recognizes visitors that are likely to have an extremely poor or good experience and triggers a short discreet survey to collect information from that visitor.  Leveraging Voice of the Customer analytics and behavioral patterns, iPerceptions Active Recognition Technology is constantly learning which site visitors are most “in-target” to provide the most relevant and actionable insights for site optimization.

“What companies need for site optimization is a way to engage with their visitors that have strong opinions – at both extremes of the experience,” said Audry Larocque, CEO and President at iPerceptions. “When asked, these visitors will provide critical information that will help optimization teams take action to improve the customer experience. And this is exactly what iPerceptions Experience Optimization Solution does.”

Take action with integrated clickstream reporting

Combining customer feedback with behavioral data is critical to understanding the path to experience. Visitor’s intent and clickstream data, including the pages visited before and after the survey, is integrated into iPerceptions Experience Optimization Solution’s real-time and interactive reporting. This provides greater visibility and contextualizes each visit to help understand the next steps to improve the customer experience.

“iPerceptions’ Experience Optimization Solution is the biggest innovation in site optimization since A/B testing,” said Duff Anderson, SVP and Co-Founder, at iPerceptions. “With the right information from the right visitors the usability team can now understand the relationship between multiple pages and the website experience to ultimately design website experiences that deliver results.”

iPerceptions Experience Optimization solution includes two types of reporting, an aggregate view for a holistic perspective of the experience and individual real-time push reports for identification, escalation and remediation of individual customer issues.

About iPerceptions

iPerceptions ( is a leading digital customer research company that extends the value of Voice of the Customer beyond measuring the past, to recognizing visitors’ intentions in real-time for personalized experiences. The company’s solutions are powered by the Active Research™ SaaS Platform, which captures visitors’ intent, needs, and experiences in the moment of truth using advanced engagement technologies. iPerceptions is revolutionizing market research with Active Recognition which recognizes the intent of anonymous website visitors in real-time to provide personalized experiences. With over 100M voice of customer datapoints collected every year across 1,200 brands and in 35 languages in over 80 countries, iPerceptions is the trusted research solution of customer centric organizations.

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Jonathan Fraser
Marketing and Communications Manager
Tel: 514-488-3600 ext. 232

23 juin 2015

Behavioral analytics security innovator Interset named as one of Canada’s most promising startups by C100 48 hours in the Valley

The C100, a San Francisco-based non-profit focused on connecting Canadian companies with the Silicon Valley, has selected Interset as one of Canada’s most promising startups and a participant in the 48 Hours in the Valley event, to be held this week in San Francisco. The event provides 20 Canadian startups selected from hundreds of applicants the opportunity to expand their businesses through access to new networking, mentoring, and business growth opportunities in Silicon Valley. Participating startups include cloud, mobile, IT and security companies; Interset is a pioneer in providing a highly intelligent and accurate cyber and insider threat detection solution that uses behavioral analytics, machine learning and big data to protect critical data.

« It’s an exciting time for innovation in security, an area primed for huge advancements in detection and mitigation of advanced threats through the use of big data architectures, advanced analytics and machine learning, « said Interset CEO Dale Quayle. « We’re very pleased to be identified by The C100 and grateful to this excellent organization for the service and platform they’re providing for Canada’s tech innovators to expand our businesses on the global stage. »

Interset offers a next generation solution for the User and Entity Behavioral Analytics market, which is transforming security, according to Gartner, because it makes it much easier for any organization to gain visibility into user behavior patterns to find offending actors and intruders. Aggregating and analyzing these patterns can filter out extraneous noise and deliver an accurate and prioritized view of true threats facing an organization. To learn more about Interset’s approach, download the whitepaper, « Redefining the Science of Threat Detection, » at

C100 Association is supported by many partners including Premier Partners KPMG Canada, BDC Capital and RBC Royal Bank. 48 Hours in the Valley is being held June 22 -24 in San Francisco at Cooley LLP in Palo Alto and at Juniper Networks in Sunnyvale.

About Interset

Interset provides a highly intelligent and accurate insider and targeted outsider threat detection solution that unlocks the power of behavioral analytics, machine learning and big data to provide the fastest, most flexible and affordable way for IT teams of all sizes to operationalize a data protection program. Utilizing agentless data collectors, lightweight endpoint sensors, advanced behavioral analytics and an intuitive user interface, Interset provides unparalleled visibility over sensitive data, enabling early attack detection and actionable forensic intelligence with reduced false positives and noise. Interset solutions are deployed to protect critical data across the manufacturing, life sciences, hi-tech, finance, government, aerospace & defense and securities brokerage industries.

For more information, visit our website ( or follow us on twitter @intersetca.

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Contact information:
Betsy Kosheff


22 juin 2015

OnMobile secures multi-year Ringback Tones partnership renewal with Movistar in Latin America

OnMobile Global Limited (OnMobile), a leading provider of mobile music offerings, is proud to announce that it has renewed its existing partnership with Telefónica’s Movistar operators in Latin American Spanish speaking countries. As per the agreement, OnMobile will continue to power its flagship Ringback Tone (RBT) service to Movistar’s 132 million plus subscribers across 13 countries in Latin America for the next four years.

“We are very proud to continue our partnership with Movistar, an iconic consumer brand. This ongoing relationship strengthens our competitive leadership in one of our higher value markets,” stated Sanjay Bhambri, OnMobile’s Chief Commercial Officer. “RBT, our signature product, provides a personalized calling experience with innovative options including music search, discovery and download. It is a shared communication space that connects people before they actually get connected! We will continue to evolve RBT by including unique features that will benefit Movistar subscribers and provide an enhanced mobile experience,” he added.

“OnMobile, a key ecosystem player, has been a valued partner of Movistar since 2010. Over these last few years, its RBT products have risen to take up top positions in the contents’ business across many of our markets in Hispanic America; a region that is key to Telefónica’s growth strategy,” declared Mr. Leandro Musciano, Director of Products and Services, Telefónica Hispanoamérica. “OnMobile’s RBT service is in line with Telefonica’s vision to offer our customers services and products that transform the way they keep in touch,  have fun and share,” he added.

The renewal of this agreement fortifies OnMobile’s global partnership with Telefónica, a leader in digital transformation and reiterates OnMobile’s position as the market leader in RBT products.

About OnMobile

OnMobile [NSE India: ONMOBILE], headquartered in Bangalore, India, and with offices in all regions of the world, delivers millions of music plays daily to mobile customers worldwide. Based on current deployments, OnMobile has the potential to reach more than 1.1 billion mobile users across several geographies. For further information, please visit

About Telefónica

Telefónica is one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world in terms of market capitalization and number of customers. With its best in class mobile, fixed and broadband networks, and innovative portfolio of digital solutions, Telefónica is transforming itself into a ‘Digital Telco’, a company that will be even better placed to meet the needs of its customers and capture new revenue growth. More information is available at

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Srividhya Parthasarathy


16 juin 2015

Coveo launches intelligent search in the cloud

Coveo today announced the launch of Coveo Cloud, the first end-to-end, intelligent search cloud platform delivering unified search as an enterprise-class service. Coveo Cloud, scheduled to be released in September, will accelerate and simplify search deployments and user adoption for faster time to value.

This new service will enable organizations to:

  • easily and securely unify data from disparate sources across the IT ecosystem (cloud and on-premise),
  • create ubiquitous search experiences wherever people work, and
  • recommend the most relevant insights from everywhere directly into the context of customers and employees.

As Gartner Research Vice President and Distinguished Analyst Whit Andrews predicted in the report Smart Machines Will Change How Search Finds What You Need, While Proactive Search Will Find You, employees and customers expect organizations to deliver intuitive and knowledge-rich experiences: “Search in consumer service will expand and accelerate a transition to a proactive model where results will be offered without an explicit query.”

“Coveo’s intelligent search service fills the gap between fragmented information across the IT ecosystem of record and today’s more digitally capable employees and customers,” said Coveo CEO Louis Tetu. “Upskilling people where they work and engage transforms performance to create new levels of economic value.”

According to Coveo CTO and Founder Laurent Simoneau, “One of the most exciting areas of development for us is leveraging cloud efficiency to enable the automatic tuning of relevance via machine learning combined with powerful usage analytics. This is the future of search and will have important contributions to Coveo applications as we move forward. This capability has already been field tested to provide an “Amazon-like” experience for customers, without the extensive custom development of the past.”
Coveo Cloud components will include:

  • A secure cloud-based index that unifies cloud and on-premise content
  • A security framework that includes encryption at rest
  • Broad connectivity to a broad range of cloud and enterprise systems
  • Easily tunable relevance engine, by department, workgroup, and user context
  • JavaScript interface editor to quickly embed search components and enable intuitive search experiences
  • Usage analytics for crowd-sourced content curation and relevance, including machine learning to automatically optimize result relevance

Coveo Cloud will speed the creation and go-to-market of intelligent search applications within popular enterprise platforms. Coveo for Salesforce, the first Coveo intelligent search application utilizing Coveo Cloud, is in use at many leading and high-growth organizations. Coveo for Salesforce Service Cloud and Community Cloud Editions securely bring relevant information from across the IT ecosystem into the context of customers and support agents, most often without an explicit query being conducted.

Sonus Networks, a high-growth technology company that enables and secures real-time communications for the world’s leading service providers and enterprises, uses Coveo for Salesforce to scale support organizations and increase customer engagement. Sonus CIO Bill Parks said, “As Sonus continues to grow, Coveo for Salesforce apps help us to scale our customer service operations while reducing costs and increasing customer satisfaction. As we continue our evolution toward a fully digital workplace, Coveo enables us to connect our information stores across our IT ecosystem with the contexts of both our support agents and our customers themselves, via the self-service channel they prefer.”

Other customers are documenting significant achievements leveraging Coveo, from a 900 percent increase in website visitor engagement, to more innovative products with faster time to market, shorter training time for new employees and more effective customer support and self-service. At Salesforce, where Coveo delivers proactive insights to 900 service agents and all of its customers on its success community, case deflection has increased significantly and search relevance for support agents increased by 85% upon deployment.

“We’re in a day and age where a technology ecosystem is a significant part of making customer engagement effective” said Paul Greenberg, author of CRM at the Speed of Light. « In that context, intelligent search becomes interesting because it operates like a glue connecting data from systems of record and systems of engagement and comes up with knowledge that is actually valuable for helping to determine the outcomes that customers are looking for. Making it a cloud service rather than merely an on-premise technology simplifies the equation for customer-focused organizations to leverage useful knowledge and expertise from what Coveo CEO Louis Tetu calls ‘the full ecosystem of record.’ This benefits both employees who get access to the knowledge for insights to help them decide on a course of action with customers, and via self-service, the customers, who get the information they are looking for as fast as they need it. That’s good stuff, truly. »

About Coveo

Coveo is on a mission to transform business by improving people’s skills, knowledge, and proficiency with Intelligent Search. Coveo’s Intelligent Search Apps unleash the power of fragmented, disparate information from across the enterprise IT ecosystem at every point-of-work.  Recognized as the Most Visionary Leader in Enterprise Search by Gartner, Coveo enterprise search allows companies to create high performance contact centers, cultivate company-wide knowledge sharing and collaboration, and succeed at self-service. With the search industry’s highest security standards, broadest connectivity and greatest relevance control and configurability, Coveo removes complexity to make search work, quickly and effectively. Coveo partners with some of the world’s largest enterprise technology ecosystems, such as Salesforce, where contextual insights from outside the platform are critical to delivering a unified experience for their customers. For more information, please visit, and follow us on the Coveo blog, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

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Editorial Contact:
Colin Beasty
Manager, Media Relations
418-263-1111 x2264


16 juin 2015

Stingray says nesting its service in cable TV packages keeps it safe from Apple, Spotify, Rdio

9 juin 2015

Groupe Stingray Digital Inc. annonce la clôture de l’option de surallocation d’une valeur de 21 millions de dollars

Groupe Stingray Digital Inc. (« Stingray ») (TSX : RAY.A; RAY.B) a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’elle a émis un total de 3 360 000 actions à droit de vote subalterne et actions à droit de vote subalterne variable au prix de 6,25 $ par action, pour un produit brut total de 21 millions de dollars, à la suite de l’exercice intégral de l’option de surallocation qu’elle avait attribuée aux preneurs fermes dans le cadre de son premier appel public à l’épargne complété le 3 juin 2015.

Stingray a tiré un produit brut total d’environ 104 millions de dollars du premier appel public à l’épargne visant 13 287 100 actions à droit de vote subalterne et actions à droit de vote subalterne variable et de l’exercice de l’option de surallocation. Compte tenu du placement secondaire réalisé par certains fonds du secteur de la technologie de Novacap et par Télésystème Ltée (collectivement, les « actionnaires vendeurs »), ainsi que du placement privé secondaire simultané réalisé par les actionnaires vendeurs et d’autres actionaires de Stingray, la somme totale réunie dans le cadre du premier appel public à l’épargne s’est élevée à environ 179,5 millions de dollars.

Le premier appel public à l’épargne a été effectué par l’entremise d’un syndicat de preneurs fermes codirigé par Financière Banque Nationale Inc., GMP Valeurs Mobilières S.E.C. et BMO Marchés des capitaux, et comprenant Marchés mondiaux CIBC Inc., Valeurs Mobilières TD Inc. et RBC Dominion valeurs mobilières Inc.

Aucune autorité en valeurs mobilières n’a approuvé ni désapprouvé le contenu du présent communiqué. Le présent communiqué ne constitue ni une offre de vente ni la sollicitation d’une offre d’achat visant les titres de Groupe Stingray Digital Inc. dans un territoire où une telle offre, sollicitation ou vente serait illégale. Ces titres n’ont pas été ni ne seront inscrits en vertu de la loi des États-Unis intitulée Securities Act of 1933, dans sa version modifiée (la « Loi de 1933 »), ni de la législation en valeurs mobilières de quelque État, et ils ne peuvent être offerts ni vendus aux États-Unis ou à une personne des États-Unis ou pour le compte ou au bénéfice d’une telle personne, sauf conformément aux exigences d’inscription de la Loi de 1933 et des lois sur les valeurs mobilières étatiques applicables ou aux termes d’une dispense de ces exigences.

À propos de Stingray

Stingray est un important fournisseur de services musicaux multiplateformes et de solutions multimédias en magasin interentreprises qui exerce des activités à l’échelle mondiale. Elle rejoint environ 110 millions d’abonnés de la télévision payante (ou ménages) dans 111 pays. S’adressant aux personnes comme aux entreprises, les produits de Stingray comprennent les services de musique et de vidéos numériques Stingray Musique, Stingray Concerts, Stingray Vidéoclips, Stingray Lite TV, Stingray Ambiance et Stingray Karaoke. Stingray propose également diverses solutions d’affaires, dont les produits musicaux et d’affichage numérique offerts par l’entremise de sa division Stingray Affaires. Stingray a son siège social à Montréal et compte présentement plus de 235 employés dans le monde, y compris à Miami, à Londres, à Amsterdam et à Tel-Aviv. Stingray a été finaliste au palmarès Technologie Fast 50MC de Deloitte en 2013 et 2014, et a été nommée parmi les entreprises canadiennes connaissant la croissance la plus rapide par le magazine PROFIT. Pour en savoir davantage, visitez

Information prospective

Le présent communiqué contient de l’« information prospective » au sens de la législation en valeurs mobilières canadienne applicable. Cette information prospective comprend des renseignements sur les objectifs, les opinions, les projets, les attentes, les prévisions, les estimations et les intentions de Stingray. On reconnaît les énoncés contenant de l’information prospective à l’emploi de mots et d’expressions comme « pouvoir », « s’attendre à », « avoir l’intention de », « estimer », « prévoir », « planifier », « croire », « continuer » et d’autres expressions semblables ou la forme négative de ces expressions, ainsi qu’à l’utilisation du conditionnel, y compris les mentions d’hypothèses. Toutefois, il est à noter que l’information prospective ne contient pas toujours ces mots ou expressions. L’information prospective repose sur des hypothèses et est assujettie à un certain nombre de risques et d’incertitudes, dont bon nombre sont indépendants de la volonté de Stingray. En conséquence de ces risques et incertitudes, les résultats réels pourraient différer sensiblement de ceux prévus ou sous-entendus dans l’information prospective. Ces risques et incertitudes comprennent, sans limitation, les facteurs de risque énoncés dans le prospectus de Stingray daté du 11 mai 2015, que l’on peut consulter sur SEDAR ( Par conséquent, toute l’information prospective figurant dans les présentes est visée par la mise en garde susmentionnée, et rien ne garantit que les résultats ou les événements auxquels Stingray s’attend se réaliseront ou que, même s’ils se réalisent en grande partie, qu’ils auront les incidences ou les effets prévus sur l’entreprise, la situation financière ou les résultats d’exploitation de Stingray. Sauf indication contraire ou à moins que le contexte ne commande une autre interprétation, l’information prospective figurant dans les présentes est donnée en date des présentes, et Stingray ne s’engage pas à la mettre à jour ou à la modifier, que ce soit par suite de nouveaux renseignements, d’événements futurs ou d’autres facteurs, sauf dans la mesure où la législation applicable l’exige.

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Renseignements :
Mathieu Peloquin
Vice-président principal, marketing et communications
Groupe Stingray Digital Inc.
514-664-1244, poste 2362

5 juin 2015

Groupe Stingray Digital Inc. annonce l’exercice de l’option de surallocation


Groupe Stingray Digital Inc. (« Stingray ») (TSX:RAY.A) (TSX:RAY.B) a annoncé aujourd’hui que les preneurs fermes dans le cadre de son premier appel public à l’épargne ont exercé intégralement l’option de surallocation que Stingray leur avait attribuée.

Un total de 3 360 000 actions à droit de vote subalterne et actions à droit de vote subalterne variable de Stingray seront émises vers le 9 juin 2015 au prix de 6,25 $ par action, pour un produit brut total de 21 millions de dollars.

Stingray a tiré un produit brut total d’environ 104 millions de dollars du premier appel public à l’épargne visant 13 287 100 actions à droit de vote subalterne et actions à droit de vote subalterne variable et de l’exercice de l’option de surallocation.

Le premier appel public à l’épargne a été effectué par l’entremise d’un syndicat de preneurs fermes codirigé par Financière Banque Nationale Inc., GMP Valeurs Mobilières S.E.C. et BMO Marchés des capitaux, et comprenant Marchés mondiaux CIBC Inc., Valeurs Mobilières TD Inc. et RBC Dominion valeurs mobilières Inc.

Aucune autorité en valeurs mobilières n’a approuvé ni désapprouvé le contenu du présent communiqué. Le présent communiqué ne constitue ni une offre de vente ni la sollicitation d’une offre d’achat visant les titres de Groupe Stingray Digital Inc. dans un territoire où une telle offre, sollicitation ou vente serait illégale. Ces titres n’ont pas été ni ne seront inscrits en vertu de la loi des États-Unis intitulée Securities Act of 1933, dans sa version modifiée (la « Loi de 1933 »), ni de la législation en valeurs mobilières de quelque État, et ils ne peuvent être offerts ni vendus aux États-Unis ou à une personne des États-Unis ou pour le compte ou au bénéfice d’une telle personne, sauf conformément aux exigences d’inscription de la Loi de 1933 et des lois sur les valeurs mobilières étatiques applicables ou aux termes d’une dispense de ces exigences.

À propos de Stingray

Stingray est un important fournisseur de services musicaux multiplateformes et de solutions multimédias en magasin interentreprises qui exerce des activités à l’échelle mondiale. Elle rejoint environ 110 millions d’abonnés de la télévision payante (ou ménages) dans 111 pays. S’adressant aux personnes comme aux entreprises, les produits de Stingray comprennent les services de musique et de vidéos numériques Stingray Musique, Stingray Concerts, Stingray Vidéoclips, Stingray Lite TV, Stingray Ambiance et Stingray Karaoke. Stingray propose également diverses solutions d’affaires, dont les produits musicaux et d’affichage numérique offerts par l’entremise de sa division Stingray Affaires. Stingray a son siège social à Montréal et compte présentement plus de 235 employés dans le monde, y compris à Miami, à Londres, à Amsterdam et à Tel-Aviv. Stingray a été finaliste au palmarès Technologie Fast 50MC de Deloitte en 2013 et 2014, et a été nommée parmi les entreprises canadiennes connaissant la croissance la plus rapide par le magazine PROFIT. Pour en savoir davantage, visitez le site

Information prospective

Le présent communiqué contient de l’« information prospective » au sens de la législation en valeurs mobilières canadienne applicable. Cette information prospective comprend des renseignements sur les objectifs, les opinions, les projets, les attentes, les prévisions, les estimations et les intentions de Stingray. On reconnaît les énoncés contenant de l’information prospective à l’emploi de mots et d’expressions comme « pouvoir », « s’attendre à », « avoir l’intention de », « estimer », « prévoir », « planifier », « croire », « continuer » et d’autres expressions semblables ou la forme négative de ces expressions, ainsi qu’à l’utilisation du conditionnel, y compris les mentions d’hypothèses. Toutefois, il est à noter que l’information prospective ne contient pas toujours ces mots ou expressions. L’information prospective repose sur des hypothèses et est assujettie à un certain nombre de risques et d’incertitudes, dont bon nombre sont indépendants de la volonté de Stingray. En conséquence de ces risques et incertitudes, les résultats réels pourraient différer sensiblement de ceux prévus ou sous-entendus dans l’information prospective. Ces risques et incertitudes comprennent, sans limitation, les facteurs de risque énoncés dans le prospectus de Stingray daté du 11 mai 2015, que l’on peut consulter sur SEDAR, au Par conséquent, toute l’information prospective figurant dans les présentes est visée par la mise en garde susmentionnée, et rien ne garantit que les résultats ou les événements auxquels Stingray s’attend se réaliseront ou que, même s’ils se réalisent en grande partie, qu’ils auront les incidences ou les effets prévus sur l’entreprise, la situation financière ou les résultats d’exploitation de Stingray. Sauf indication contraire ou à moins que le contexte ne commande une autre interprétation, l’information prospective figurant dans les présentes est donnée en date des présentes, et Stingray ne s’engage pas à la mettre à jour ou à la modifier, que ce soit par suite de nouveaux renseignements, d’événements futurs ou d’autres facteurs, sauf dans la mesure où la législation applicable l’exige.

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Mathieu Péloquin
Vice-président principal, Marketing et communications
Groupe Stingray Digital Inc.
514-664-1244, poste 2362

4 juin 2015

Interset to showcase advanced behavioral analytics for enhanced detection of cyber & insider attacks at Gartner Security & Risk Summit

Interset will showcase the latest version of its Advanced Threat Detection Platform at the annual Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit June 8-11 in National Harbor, MD.

A winner of the annual Security Innovation Network™ (SINET) 16 Innovators competition sponsored by the Dept. of Homeland Security, Interset will showcase key new capabilities of Interset 3, its highly intelligent and accurate insider and targeted outsider threat detection solution.

Interset’s Behavioral Analytics goes beyond simple « User Behavior Analytics » by base-lining and scoring additional entities including machines, applications, files and projects. Interset continually tracks the relationships between all of these entities offering greater coverage, accuracy and context of impending risks and threats.

Interset’s data collection capabilities also surpass first generation user behavioral analytics SIEM feed restrictions by adding lightweight sensors and connectors that collect metadata events from endpoints, directories and IP repositories including PLM, SCM and content management tools like SharePoint. Rounded out by an intuitive graphical interface and plain language reporting, it is easy to see why Interset 3 stands apart from first generation user behavioral analytics tools.

Customers who have implemented Interset cite its ability to rapidly surface anomalous activities, apply accurate risk scoring and deliver the contextual information needed to mitigate the threat as the main reasons for their deployment decision.

With Interset, security practitioners are alerted to and can quickly uncover the specific information needed to stop sophisticated attacks such as:

  • When an employee may be planning to leave and if that employee is stealing sensitive data
  • When more than one employee is involved or where employees are knowingly staying below policy based threshold alert levels
  • Where improper and high risk behaviors are carried out by IT Admins and other privileged users — activities that other tools cannot see
  • When accounts have been taken over by malware and are moving to stage and exfiltrate critical IP
  • Which users, projects and data stores are most at risk — even indicating where mid and late stages of an attack comprise are occurring

Check out Interset’s new video interview with CTO Stephan Jou, recently a guest expert on Peerlyst Community TV, as he explains how behavior analytics, heuristics and machine learning provide an important new set of technology tools for cybersecurity professionals who want to better detect unusual and suspicious behaviors that can lead to sensitive data theft (

During #gartnerSEC tweet to us at @intersetca and visit us at Booth 137.

About Interset

Interset provides a highly intelligent and accurate insider and targeted outsider threat detection solution that unlocks the power of behavioral analytics, machine learning and big data to provide the fastest, most flexible and affordable way for IT teams of all sizes to operationalize a data protection program. Utilizing agentless data collectors, lightweight endpoint sensors, advanced behavioral analytics and an intuitive user interface, Interset provides unparalleled visibility over sensitive data, enabling early attack detection and actionable forensic intelligence with reduced false positives and noise. Interset solutions are deployed to protect critical data across the manufacturing, life sciences, hi-tech, finance, government, aerospace & defense and securities brokerage industries.

For more information, visit our website ( or follow us on twitter @intersetca.

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Contact information:
Betsy Kosheff


3 juin 2015

Entrée remarquée pour Stingray à la Bourse de Toronto

2 juin 2015

Etherios and Coveo announce strategic alliance

Etherios, a professional services firm and Salesforce Platinum Partner focused on delivering cloud-based service excellence solutions, and Coveo, a unified predictive search solution designed to span enterprise IT ecosystems, today announced a strategic alliance to deliver Coveo For Salesforce Service Cloud and Communities Editions.

Coveo for Salesforce applications help customer service organizations to scale operations by upskilling agents and customers at every point of work. Coveo connects information from across a company’s IT ecosystem of record and delivers the knowledge that matters to customers and agents in context. Coveo forSalesforce – Communities Edition helps customers solve their own cases by proactively offering case-resolving knowledge suggestions and Coveo forSalesforce – Service Cloud Edition allows customer support agents to upskill as they engage customers by injecting case-resolving content and experts into the Salesforce UI as they work.

Etherios provides customers with consulting and implementation services in the areas of Sales, Customer Service, Field Service and IoT.  Founded in 2008, Etherios has offices in Chicago, Dallas and San Francisco to serve a global customer base. Etherios capabilities span operational strategy, business process, technical design and implementation expertise.

“Coveo for Salesforce is a natural fit for our customer base.  The ability to bring together and contextualize information across disparate systems to the fingertips of customer support agents or directly to customers within Salesforce Communities has immense value.  Having Coveo simply helps customers or customer support agents resolve issues faster,” said Tarun Patel, Vice President at Etherios.

“We are delighted to work with Etherios,” said Eric Courville, Senior Director, Business Development and Strategic Alliances at Coveo. “Etherios is a leading Salesforce consulting firm and system integrator. This alliance allows Coveo to combine our advanced enterprise search apps with Etherios’ knowledge and expertise in customer engagement to deliver value-added solutions to thousands of additional Salesforce customers.”

About Coveo

Coveo is on a mission to transform business by improving people’s skills, knowledge, and proficiency with Search. Coveo Search Apps unleash the power of fragmented, disparate information from across the enterprise IT ecosystem at every point-of-work.  Recognized as the Most Visionary Leader in Enterprise Search by Gartner, Coveo enterprise search allows companies to create high performance contact centers, cultivate company-wide collaboration, and succeed at self-service. With the search industry’s highest security standards, broadest connectivity and greatest relevance control and configurability, Coveo removes complexity to make search work, quickly and effectively. Coveo partners with some of the world’s largest enterprise technology ecosystems, such as Salesforce, where contextual insights from outside the platform are critical to delivering a unified experience for their customers.  For more information, please visit, and follow us on the Coveo blog, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

About Etherios

Etherios is a division of Digi International (DGII), a publicly traded company, with more than 600 employees in locations across North America, Europe and Asia serving a global customer base. We have delivered over 700 implementations with a 9.8/10 customer satisfaction rating for our customers in the areas of Sales, Customer Service, Field Service and IoT. Etherios is a Platinum Cloud Alliance Partner of Salesforce and two-time winner of the Salesforce Innovator of the Year Award. For more information, visit

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Colin Beasty
Manager, Media Relations
418-263-1111 x2264


2 juin 2015

Coveo announces partnerships with new Salesforce System Integrators (SI)

Coveo today announced that it has expanded its SI ecosystem with several leading Salesforce system integrators, including Appirio, BlueWolf, Cloud Sherpas, Etherios, NTT Data Cloud Services and Vertiba. These partnerships are the result of unprecedented marketplace adoption of Coveo for Salesforce applications and increase Coveo’s ability to meet demand by expanding delivery of Coveo for Salesforce worldwide.

“These system integrators are leaders and innovators within the Salesforce ecosystem,” says Eric Courville, Senior Director, Business Development and Strategic Alliances at Coveo. “These partnerships allow Coveo to meet market demand by scaling our delivery capability and providing an avenue for thousands of additional Salesforce users to deploy, configure and integrate Coveo solutions within their customer-facing operations.”

Coveo’s subscription revenue bookings increased more than 300 percent for Q1 2015, led by its Coveo for Salesforce Service Cloud and Communities apps. Mid- to large-sized organizations with complex product/service offerings are adopting the Coveo apps to deliver relevant content and experts into the context of customer-facing employees and customers themselves via self-service, regardless of where that content is stored.

“Coveo’s deep product integration and strategic partnership with Salesforce make it the preferred vendor of choice when it comes to both migrating only information that matters and virtually unifying content from disparate systems, right within the Salesforce interface and related to what people are working on,” says Tarun Patel, Vice President at Etherios.

“Many of our Salesforce clients have customer information and case-resolving knowledge stored across a diverse collection of cloud-based applications and legacy systems. By partnering with Coveo we’re adding a unique and valuable skillset to our services offering that can solve challenges such as this,” says Jim Hooton, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Vertiba.

Coveo for Salesforce allows customer service organizations to scale operations by connecting information from across a company’s ecosystem of record and delivering it to customers and agents within the context of their work. Coveo for Salesforce – CommunitiesEdition helps customers solve their own cases by proactively offering case-resolving knowledge suggestions and Coveo forSalesforce – Service Cloud Edition allows customer support agents to upskill as they engage customers by injecting case-resolving content and experts into the Salesforce UI as they work.

About Coveo

Coveo is on a mission to transform business by improving people’s skills, knowledge, and proficiency with Search. Coveo Search Apps unleash the power of fragmented, disparate information from across the enterprise IT ecosystem at every point-of-work.  Recognized as the Most Visionary Leader in Enterprise Search by Gartner, Coveo enterprise search allows companies to create high performance contact centers, cultivate company-wide collaboration, and succeed at self-service. With the search industry’s highest security standards, broadest connectivity and greatest relevance control and configurability, Coveo removes complexity to make search work, quickly and effectively. Coveo partners with some of the world’s largest enterprise technology ecosystems, such as Salesforce, where contextual insights from outside the platform are critical to delivering a unified experience for their customers.  For more information, please visit, and follow us on the Coveo blog, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

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Colin Beasty
Manager, Media Relations
418-263-1111 x2264


2 juin 2015

iPerceptions wins prestigious OCTAS Innovation Award

iPerceptions, the leader in digital customer research, was awarded top honors in the Innovation PME category for its Active Recognition Technology at the annual OCTAS awards gala held on May 28th at the Palais des congrès de Montréal. The OCTAS competition organized by the IT ACTION Network recognizes companies and organizations for their creativity, vitality and exceptional contribution to the growth of the information technology industry.

“With our Active Recognition Technology, iPerceptions is at the forefront of customer experience,” said Audry Larocque, CEO and President at iPerceptions. “Winning the OCTAS is a testament to our innovative spirit and leadership in the industry.”

iPerceptions Active Recognition Technology empowers marketers to monetize their web traffic by recognizing anonymous visitors intent, needs and experiences in real-time. By pushing this real-time customer-centric intelligence into marketing systems, marketers can increase the effectiveness and performance of retargeting campaigns, live chat systems and personalization engines.

“Companies invest significant resources such as time and money to attract visitors to their website,” said Derek Zakaib, VP of Marketing and Product at iPerceptions. “With iPerceptions Active Recognition Technology, marketers can ensure they monetize a larger share of their traffic by producing relevant interactions that drive conversions.”

To learn more about iPerceptions Active Recognition Technology visit or Request a demo

About iPerceptions

iPerceptions is a leading digital customer research company that extends the value of Voice of the Customer beyond measuring the past, to recognizing visitors intentions in real-time for personalized experiences. The company’s solutions are powered by the Active Research™ SaaS Platform, which captures visitors’ intent, needs, and experiences in the moment of truth using advanced engagement technologies. iPerceptions is revolutionizing market research with Active Recognition™ which recognizes the intent of anonymous website visitors in real-time to provide personalized experiences. With over 20M visitor intent datapoints collected every year across 1,200 brands and in 35 languages, iPerceptions is the trusted research solution of customer centric organizations. Improve your customer experience and bottom line today, visit

About the OCTAS

Held annually since 1987 by the Réseau ACTION TI, the OCTAS is a unique opportunity to recognize excellence in the field of information technology (IT) in Quebec. This competition pays tribute to individuals, businesses or organizations for their creativity, vitality and exceptional contribution to the growth of the industry. Since 1987, this event is the true standard bearer of excellence in our industry.

All trademarks and registered trademarks in this document are the properties of their respective owners.

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Media contact:
Jonathan Fraser

2 juin 2015

OnMobile appoints Sanjay Baweja as independent and additional Director

OnMobile Global Limited, a leading provider of mobile music offerings, announced that the company’s Board of Directors has appointed Mr. Sanjay Baweja as an Independent non-executive Additional Director.

Mr. Baweja is currently the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Flipkart Online Services, India’s leading e-commerce marketplace. At Flipkart, he is part of the leadership team that defines the strategic roadmap for increased profitability and contributes to overall organizational development.

Prior to Flipkart, Mr. Baweja was the Global CFO for Tata Communications. He was responsible for the strategic financial management of the company including financial reporting and compliance, treasury and fund management, financial planning and analysis, management assurance, taxation and procurement. With over three decades of experience across diverse industries, Mr. Baweja has worked with several iconic brands including Emaar MGF Land Limited as Executive President for Corporate Affairs and Chief Risk Officer, Bharti Airtel, Xerox Modicorp, Digital Equipment and Ballarpur Industries.

Mr. Sanjay Baweja holds a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce, is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and Associate member of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountant of India. He joins the Board of OnMobile with valuable experience in the areas of Corporate Finance and Budget Control, Controllership, Acquisitions, Financial Analysis, Strategic Business Planning, Tax Planning and Risk Management.

About OnMobile

OnMobile [NSE India: ONMOBILE], headquartered in Bangalore, India, and with offices in all regions of the world, delivers millions of music plays daily to mobile customers worldwide. Based on current deployments, OnMobile has the potential to reach more than 1.1 billion mobile users across several geographies. For further information, please visit

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Srividhya Parthasarathy
